Council                                                           Agenda Item 79


Subject:                    Development of an Accessible City Strategy


Date of meeting:    2 February 2023


Report of:                 Executive Director Housing, Neighbourhoods and Communities


Contact Officer:      Name: Anthony Soyinka




Ward(s) affected:   All


For general release



Action Required of Council:


To receive the recommendations and extract of the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & Culture Committee for consideration.


Recommendations referred to in paragraph 2.3 of the report:


That Full Council:


(i)   Agrees that the Council should sign the Disability Impact Pledge.



Brighton& Hove City Council


Tourism,Equalities, Communities &Culture Committee 4.00pm

15 September 2022

Brighton Town Hall - CouncilChamber


Minutes Extract – Item 27




Councillors: Osborne(Joint Chair), Powell(Joint Chair), Rainey(Deputy Chair), Evans (Opposition Spokesperson), Grimshaw (Opposition Spokesperson), Bagaeen (Group Spokesperson), Ebel, Littman and Robins.


Co-Optees: StephaniePrior, Joanna Martindale, Harpreet Kaur




17.1  Emma McDermott introduced the report startingon page 101 of the Agenda.


17.2  CouncillorBagaeen was informedthat:


·         The use of utilities by the public realm is governed by specific legislation and practise, and the work completed with the accessibility strategy will help to use the Council’s powers more effectively, without superseding the powers already there.

·         The annual stakeholder event will come after the strategy, which will be developed by working with the disability panel and the wider reference group. This will then be presented to Committee in March 2023.


17.3  Councillor Rainey was informed that the Equalities teams are having conversations with the Beach Access Team and other teams across the EEC directorate to ensure they know how the principles in the strategy will affect their work going forward.


17.4  CouncillorGrimshaw was informedthat Emma McDermottwould have a conversation with HASC regarding a lack of respite and feed back to Councillor Grimshaw.


17.5  CouncillorEvans raised the importance of taking action against cyclistson pavements for the disabled community.


17.6  Councillor Robins raised that it is important to have a main point of contact for accessibility on the seafrontand in parks such as installing paths, so they can be enjoyed by everyone.


17.7  CouncillorBagaeen recommended that the Accessible City Strategy shouldgo to the ETS Committee.




That the Tourism, Equalities, Communities & CultureCommittee:


1.    Notes the report and agrees to receive further update reports.


2.    Recommends to Full Council that it agrees that the Council should sign the Disability Impact Pledge.


That Full Council:


3.    Agrees that the Council should sign the Disability Impact Pledge.


The meeting concluded at 7.05pm


Signed                                                                       Chair



Dated this                                                                  day of